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Welcome to Birth Detroit’s

Capital Campaign


We did it! We reached our capital campaign goal of $4 Million. In reaching our goal we can finish construction, build our team, open this summer with two years of sustainable funding, and focus on the families in our care. If you haven’t watched it yet, check out the video of our ground-breaking event in September 2023. 



Birth Detroit birth center 

8575 Heritage Place, Detroit Michigan 48204

Recent Construction Footage



Our Village


See what our community, supporters, volunteers, and team have to say about Birth Detroit.

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Awara Adeagbo

Nyami Agh

Linda Allen

K. Aranmolate

Brittany August

Anitra Austin

Kylie Baker

Denise Barnes

P. Barnes-McConnell

Anna Belc

Bump Birth Doula

Doug and Sandra Bitonti Stewart 

Lauren Boone



Andrea Cole

Katrina Coley

Stacey Cronin

Julia Crosier

Janet Dade

Andrea Daly

Denise Davis

Amy Dietz

Kim Dunbar

Marta Dwaihy

Bill Edwards

Doris Edwards

Daniel Edwards

Abdul El-Sayed

Elise and Jon Bowerman

Dale Bowerman

Latifa Bradwell

Marian Brooks Bryant

Susan Buchholz

Sarah Burchart

Karen Burns

Maxine Cain

Cj Campbell

Renee Canady

Kyla Carlsen

Stephanie & Robert Christensen

Kristen Cibulskis

Sylvia Clifton


Mailing address:
Birth Detroit
8575 Heritage Place
Detroit, MI 48204

©2021 by Birth Detroit

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